Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Scorned Schedule

The Fallen Angelle Series
by Josephine Templeton
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Angelle, God’s first Angel, fell from grace along with Satan. However, after thousands of years as Satan’s girlfriend, Angelle wants back into heaven and becomes human. Now she must atone for her sins and save as many souls as she damned while fighting vampires and demons. One more condition — she must remain celibate.

Jack, a vampire hunter, visits Angelle’s bar, and their attraction is instant. But after watching her walk away from a car accident, he’s convinced she’s a vampire and must die. When Angelle doesn’t burst into flames at sunrise, Jack joins her quest to save souls. The partnership is jeopardized when two of the Scorned Bride’s daughters enthrall him.

Angelle must save Jack from another dimension, but in doing so, she risks her salvation. Will Jack want to be saved by the time she finds him? And if they survive the Scorned Bride, can they survive each other?

Tour Dates 11/16-12/15

11/16-Ebooks Galore www.ebooksgalore.net
11/17-Dowie's Place-review, guest post Www.dowiesplace.com
11/18-Midnight Angel Book Heaven-review www.facebook.com/midnightangelbookheaven
11/19-Outrageous Heroes-promo http://www.facebook.com/outrageousheroes
11/20-Sapphyria's Steamy Books-promo http://saphssteamybooks.blogspot.com/
11/21-Literature Litehouse-promo http://literaturelitehouse.blogspot.com/
11/22-Anything But Vanilla Books-promo https://www.facebook.com/AnythingButVanillaBookBlog
11/23-Sweet N Sassy Book A Holics-promo http://sweet-n-sassy-book-a-holics.blogspot.com/
11/24-Stormy Nights Reviewing-promo http://stormynightbloginandreviwing.blogspot.com/
11/25-The Color of Ink-promo https://thecolorofink.wordpress.com
11/26-Alice's Book Wonderland-promo alicesbookwonderland.com
11/27-Bound By Books Book Review-promo http://www.boundbybooksbookreview.com/
11/28-Carly's Cozy Corner-promo http://carlyscozycorner.blogspot.com
11/29-Danielle's Domain-promo http://daniellesdomainreviews.blogspot.com
11/30-PRATR-promo https://pratr.wordpress.com/
12/1-Ebook Addicts-review http://ebookaddicts.net
12/2-Bookwench I Am-promo http://bookwench-i-am.com/
12/3-2 Bibliophiles Guide-promo 2bibliophiles.blogspot.com
12/4-Ebooks Galore-review www.ebooksgalore.net
12/5-My Reading Reality-promo https:/www.facebook.com/myreadingreality
12/6-We Read With A Glass of Wine-promo http://wereadwithaglassofwine.blogspot.com/
12/7-Indy Book Fairy-promo http://paranormalbookfairy.blogspot.com/
12/8-One Book Boyfriend At A Time-promo http://www.facebook.com/onebookboyfriendatatime
12/9-Ashley Book Blog-promo https://www.facebook.com/AwesomeClubs 
12/10-A Bit Bookish-promo http://www.abitbookish.com
12/11-Dreamer Talks Books-promo http://cometomefantasy.blogspot.com
12/12-LBM Book Blog-promo http://lifebooksandmore.blogspot.com
12/13-Author Sandra Love-review http://authorsandralove.blogspot.com/
12/14-Cutting Muse Blog-review http://www.cuttingmuse.blogspot.com/?m=1
12/15-Alpha Book Club-promo http://alphabookclub.org

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