Tuesday, March 10, 2015

His Vow (Ghosts of New Orleans, 1) Schedule

His Vow (Ghosts of New Orleans, 1) 
by Alexandra O'Hurley
Genre: IR/MC Paranormal Historical Contemporary Erotic Romance with Horror Elements

I’ll return for you. I vow it.
When Cami DuBois winds up on a Manassas battlefield, she stumbles across Confederate re-enactors too deep in character. One of those men drives her to the point of distraction, while drawing her lusts to the surface. Cami tries to ignore the sensation she knows this man—until he vanishes before her.

Left in limbo, Christophe Sinclair is bound by his vow. Promising to return to his love after the end of the Civil War, he’s overjoyed to have his Camille back—and to truly have her in his arms again is his singular focus. 

Christophe’s tie to Cami is strong, one that might defy the rules of space and time.

If the Voodoo Gods allow it.

4/5-Ebooks Galore - review http://nkuhnebooks.blogspot.com
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4/28-Literary Nook- promo http://literarynook.com
4/29-Romance Junkies- review http://romancejunkies.blogspot.com/
4/30-Dowie's Place- promo www.dowiesplace.com
5/1-Sandra Love- review, interview http://authorsandralove.blogspot.com/ 
5/2-Cu's Ebook Giveaways- review http://www.cusebookgiveaways.weebly.com
5/3-Traci Hayden- promo http://tracihayden.blogspot.ca
5/4-Literature Litehouse- promo http://literaturelitehouse.blogspot.com/

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